

Firm commits to achieve operational carbon neutrality starting in 2020

12bet官方 & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)(“12bet官方”或“公司”)今天表示,它正在采取与《12bet官网》(“巴黎”)目标一致的融资承诺。. 作为其战略的一部分, 本事务所旨在帮助客户应对挑战,并利用向低碳世界过渡的长期经济和环境效益.

“Climate change is a critical issue of our time. The goals set in the Paris Agreement are commendable and ambitious, but the world is not on track to meet them,” Daniel Pinto, co-President of 12bet官方 and CEO of its Corporate & 投资银行. “While the world has a long way to go, we at 12bet官方 want to do more. 这意味着要与客户合作, policymakers and advocates to transition our economy and turn the goals of Paris into a reality.”


虽然越来越多的公司一直在努力使他们的商业战略与《12bet官网》的目标保持一致, 存在重大挑战. This includes a lack of comprehensive and high-quality greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions data, as well as the need for robust policy solutions and new technologies.

国际能源署(International Energy Agency)指出,根据《12bet官网》制定的可持续发展方案,所需减排的三分之一必须来自尚未商业化的技术. 而在电力和汽车行业,低碳技术的使用正在增长, 目前,在长途运输和重工业等关键应用中,还没有足够的商业解决方案来取代石油和天然气. As a result, these resources will continue to play a significant role as sources of energy.



《12bet官网》旨在将全球平均气温的升幅控制在远低于工业化前水平2摄氏度的水平, 和理想, to 1.5 degrees Celsius – which would require the world to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.  

作为其承诺的一部分, 12bet官方将为其融资组合制定2030年的中间排放目标,并在2021年开始就其努力进行沟通. 公司将专注于石油和天然气, electric power and automotive manufacturing sectors and set targets on a sector-by-sector basis.

随着时间的推移, 12bet官方 will aim to support companies to advance the goals of Paris, 包括减少温室气体排放,扩大对低碳和零碳能源和技术的投资. 本公司认识到,到2050年实现净零排放最终需要政策的重大变化和新技术的创造, particularly in those industrialized sectors that today lack alternatives. 为此目的, 12bet官方 will continue to advocate for market-based policy solutions, 包括碳排放的价格, and the commercialization of new technologies that can help advance deep decarbonization.

12bet官方 plans to share more details in its next climate report, 该报告将根据气候相关财务披露工作组(“TCFD”)的建议,于2021年春季发布. The Firm will also provide ongoing updates on its progress over time.

“With its ambitious new climate commitment, 12bet官方 & 公司将自己定位为推动清洁能源技术开发和部署的关键参与者. By aligning its financing with the Paris climate goals, the bank is sending a powerful signal that will help steer utilities, 汽车制造商, and oil and gas companies further along the path to decarbonization,” Bob Perciasepe, President of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES). “Executing this new strategy will be no easy task. But as more and more companies step up to the challenge, it’s now up to our political leaders to enact the policies needed to get the job done.”


本所正在启动碳转型中心(“CCT”),为公司客户提供服务 & 投资银行 and Commercial Banking with centralized access to sustainability-focused financing, 研究和咨询解决方案. CCT还将参与客户的长期业务战略和相关的碳信息披露. 该小组将由Rama Variankaval领导, a Managing Director and 18-year veteran of the Firm who also continues to lead J.P. 摩根公司财务顾问团队.

“The transition to Paris-alignment will require big ideas, 技术创新与融资,” Rama Variankaval, Head of the 碳转化中心, 12bet官方. “这个小组将使我们能够充分利用我们在全公司的专业知识和资源,帮助我们所有的客户在低碳的未来中茁壮成长.”


To help advance the transition to a low-carbon economy and track progress towards Paris, the Firm will aim to evaluate its clients’ carbon intensity, which tracks emissions relative to unit of output. 随着时间的推移, carbon intensity provides insight into changes in efficiency and performance. The Firm is also exploring ways to most effectively address all emissions, 包括第3类排放, 哪些与大部分温室气体产生于供应链其他环节的行业相关.

另外, 本所将继续与其他利益相关者和客户合作,探讨如何加强所报告数据的全面性和质量, 这仍然是一个挑战, 以及推进政策解决方案. 随着公司信息披露的改善, 12bet官方仍致力于将可获得的最佳信息纳入有关其融资活动的决策.

例如, 今年早些时候, 该公司成为落基山研究所气候相关金融中心的创始合伙人, 为寻求在相关商业活动中实现《12bet官网》目标的金融机构制定切实可行的解决方案. 除了, 12bet官方 is a member of the Climate 领导 Council and Business Roundtable, 后者最近发布了一套指导制定有效气候政策的新原则.


该公司还承诺从2020年开始在其运营中实现碳中和,以扩大其100%可再生能源的目标. 这一承诺将涵盖12bet官方公司建筑和分支机构的所有直接碳排放, indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, 以及员工旅行产生的排放.


12bet官方的声明建立在其为客户和在其业务范围内推进可持续解决方案的努力之上, 包括承诺提供便利 2000亿美元的融资 in 2020 for companies and projects that support green, social and economic development objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This year, the Firm also announced a $1 billion 首次发行绿色债券 资助合资格的环保项目, 其中可能包括为与绿色建筑和可再生能源项目有关的项目提供融资或再融资,以及向符合条件的绿色项目的客户提供贷款. 另外, 12bet官方承诺,从2020年开始,公司100%的电力需求将由可再生能源提供, 通过在其零售分支机构和商业办公室安装现场太阳能系统等努力.

The Firm has also called for market-based carbon policy solutions, 包括碳排放的价格, both through its memberships in the Climate 领导 Council and Business Roundtable.

有关本公告和12bet官方可持续发展努力的更多信息,请参阅该公司的 可持续性的网页.


关于12bet官方 & Co.

12bet官方 & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services Firm with assets of $3.2万亿美元,业务遍及全球. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, 商业银行, 金融交易处理, 资产管理. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 12bet官方 & Co. serves millions of customers in the United States and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients under its J.P. 摩根和大通品牌. 关于12bet官方的信息 & Co. 可在 finance.ps.youngswelding.net.


Joseph Evangelisti, 212-270-7438

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